Thursday, April 4, 2013

As we are  getting grown up, some believes will not make sense anymore because we know that something will not ever become realistic and we are thinking too much. Once we get it, we will know that those things that we're very keen for last time will not be needed anymore.

Times really flies. I can't imagine that I'm going to become eighteen soon. I seems like not willing to grow up. Ya, I admit that I'm such a disindepenent child. Well, real world won't be sympathy for us, we have to keep ourselves tough to face problems when we're grown up. 

Eventually, I received my offer letter from TAR College yesterday. Yeah, I've the qualification to be a 100% scholar but I've to pass all my A level examinations.Therefore,I swear I will treasure the chance and try my best to maintain my results above the level and  take all the scholarship throughout my A level study. I don't know if I've made the right decision to choose Tar College but I wish everything and every arrangement that I made will be good to me. I hope so.

Of course now I'm waiting forward to start a new path of life. College life seems fresh to me with new environment, new lecturers,and new friends. But every time the more keening i wish something to happen the more I 'll be disappointed with the things. well, so maybe I'll be better to be as usual. The main goal for me for this new path that I'm going to travel soon will be---------------changing myself to be a better person. A confidence, out-going, self-trusted, brave, determined, open-minded and positive thinking person is who I want to be in my near future. Of course, changing attitudes is the most challenging stuff for human beings but there is nothing impossible if we determined to try something and believe that we will be succeed one day. 

Ya, I wanna be the Go-Getter. I live my life  for my goals.

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