Friday, March 22, 2013


爸爸妈妈常告诉我们,耀眼的成绩是孩子赐给父母最棒的礼物。所以我用成绩来证明我对他们的爱。虽然还不够别人好,但我知道他们都以我为傲。这些日子所牺牲的时间,睡眠,娱乐与精力并没有白费,果然为我换来了我意想中满意的成绩。那种成就感令我有种笔墨形容不到的高兴。也许,上天真的有保佑我吧。谢谢。我感恩这一切。也保证了下次会更加努力。我的下个目标—————— Be one of the top student.

So now I reached the T-junction, Dont know to go straight, turn right or turn left, no guidance. However, i've to figure out  the correct pathway because I'm d one who walk the path no any other person else. so, i have to think properly. so, pls dont wait for other ppl 2 make the choice . I'm nt a little child anymore, I'm going to be eighteen soon. why dont try to make choice independently ?

Today, mum brought to visit  Methodist College. Ya, this college has good English learning environment bt it makes me feel so stress becox  I'm nt good in speaking.Maybe my English will have good improvement if i enroll  to the college. The size of the college also amazed me, so small. It can be 1/4 of my previous school. Bt tat's nt d problem if the school has great professional staff n excellent students.The only thing is the time make me feel so rush. If i choose March in take, I'll have to start school by  next Monday which is two more days to open school Omg, sooooo rush for me lah! @_@ I havent prepared yet. I need time to improve my English especially in Speaking! I'm extremely lack of comfidence with it. Luckily today I chatted wif a friend who is studying A level in science now and he gave me lots of opinion abt A level study. He told me if I choose March intake, it would be so stress for me becox i'll have to rush to take the exam at the same time wif students of Jan intake and it's very hard to catch up. Besides, late is better than fast bt learnt nothing,

For tomorrow, mum and dad decided 2 brg me 2 seek for information at Taylor's college, Well; of course i do love Taylor's becox the campus are more beautiful than many of the other colleges in Malaysia. And it provided well-equiped facilities.The only thing bt for me is the huge problem...... the tuition fees are so expensive. Of course my parents will say it's okay if i can study well  they dont care abt the prices. Bt i know they will be very stress becox they nt only need to paid for my sch fee and also my bro and sis. Meanwhile, my mum called our sibling who is ex-Taylor's student and he is a doctor now. He said Taylor's quite good n it can be the top college in Malaysia. If i wanna take medicine, Taylor's is a good choice.So, i dont know. I just like a car which loss its way at a T-junction, hesitate whether to go straight, turn left or right! HEADACHE! T_T

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Struggling for a few months. It's time to prove the effort and hard work tat v made for our Spm exam. I'm so curious n nervous abt my results. Many of my friends said they believe I can get brilliant results but I really wish tat . Hope me and every 2012 Spm candidated can satisfy wif our spm results. Wish everything's all right ! :) I wanna get scholarship n save my parents money. I wish my parents can be proud of me! :)

Plkn is not nasty yet it's awesome

Well, it's quite a long time since the last time I uploaded my blog. Yea, finally it's like what I want , made awesome friends, learnt things and gained experience from plkn. So, finally I did it. I'm so glad I've d chance 2 be chosen as a plkn pelatih. Sometimes, I will think tat it's all by God's will. God want me to be a better person then HE let me to be chosen .


于是在离营前的两个星期,我又与另一个她相识为好朋友。起初,我从没想过我们两有这样的一天。因为,我们两的个性差距蛮大的。她,为人外向,直接,敢发敢言,能言善辩,高调。我,内向害羞,胆小不感在众人面前发言,没主见。自从那天,我们一起玩flying fox,一起肩并肩渡过进森林时的一切障碍,记得当时她有还几次在我爬不上山时拉我一把。还有,一人一只耳机躺在帐篷里边听音乐边仰望天上明亮的繁星诉说对方的心事。我们深厚的友谊就这样慢慢在短短两个星期建立了。我们是同组的,我们常常会再一起。她曾说,她是那种看似很多朋友其实没什么朋友的人。我惊叹,原来,也有很对人的内心是与外表不同的。也许,我也是吧?她说我其实是那种外冷内热的人 。我想,我真的那时候才发现。其实,在她身上我也学会了很多。我从很久以前就下定决心要变成一个很有自信又外向的人,但没有一起做到。她,鼓起了我改变自己的动力。她对我说,"我们要做最真实的自己,不必太在乎别人因为你不能要求世界上么个人都喜欢你。一个在完美的人也会有人因妒忌而讨讨厌他。" 还有,"一个女人的美丽不主要是在于外貌的亮丽而是那女人身上散发出的自信。" 还有,"自信就是自己给自己信心。若连自己都对自己没信心怎样要求别人对你有信心?"还有"人生只有一次,这次不做,下次就不一定有机会了。" "主动只是需要那么一点点的勇气,冲破了就是了。""practice makes perfect ." 她就像个姐姐,很会教我,鼓励我与保护我。我还从她身上学会,我们应认真严肃地选择自己的另一半,选择一个能给到我们幸福的另一半。我们两还约定了,十年后要成为一个跟棒的人。希望我们都会成功。她更我一样,也来自一个幸福的家庭。从小也是在父母的疼爱下成长,但 她没有丝毫的不懂事而是很懂事,很会想。所以, 我也很庆幸自己遇见她并与她相识为好朋友。若有缘,或许我们会读同所学院。 ;)